
Manufacturer & Exporter: Surfactant, Oilfield Chemicals, Cosmetic Waxes & Specialty Chemicals

RIM 109 inhibitor is designed to give protection for scale and corrosion problems in oilfield systems. It will protect against the formation of both sulphate and carbonate scales in subsea flow lines (or topside facilities). RIM 109 inhibitor also protects against both sweet and sour corrosion for similar areas. The performance of the product is independent of the production of sand.
Typical Physical Properties Appearance - Dark-brown liquid
Density - 1.21 -1.235 g/cm3 @ 20°C
Pour point - <-9°C
Flash point - > 100X
pH, concentrated product - 9.0-9.5
Solubility - Water-soluble
Applications RIM 109 additive is a combined scale corrosion inhibitor designed-for sub Sea application where limitations on the number of injection lines make combination products The preferred option. It has shown particular effectiveness against the type of scale problems encountered in the North Sea. The product is also extremely effective at inhibiting the corrosion typically encountered at North Sea wellheads. When formulating RIM 109 inhibitor it was discovered that the particular combination of scale and corrosion inhibiting components gave a synergistic performance.RIM 109 inhibitor has been tested for compatibility with the typical materials used for sub-sea umbilical and approved for use.
